Dinsdag 10 oktober - SANACE Symposium 2023 Praag


The CEEC Research and the ACRP, in cooperation with the Czech Republic Ministry for Regional Development, would like to invite you to an expert discussion on hot issues in repair, reconstruction and maintenance of buildings: “SANACE 2023 Conference”.

The Conference will take place at the Czech Republic Ministry for Regional Development, Prague, 4 Pařížská Street, AVI Hall, on October, 10, 2023, from 10 o’clock a.m.

In expert discussions will participate:

  1. Leona Šteigrová Gergelová, Section Director of Public Investment and Constructions, Czech Ministry for Regional Development
  2. Eduard Muřický, Section Vice-Director of Economy, Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade
  3. Martin Janeček, Director of Linear Constructions Division and Road Administration Authority, Czech Ministry of Transport
  4. Representatives of Czech Road and Motorway Directorate
  5. Representatives of Directory of Czech Waterways
  6. Representatives of TSK Company Prague
  7. Public investors, private sector specialists, academic experts

The SANACE 2023 Conference invitation, sessions, and timing in ENCLOSURE

To accept our invitation, just briefly reply to this email and we will reserve you a free-of-charge conference seat. Or you can register yourself using our online reservation system HERE. More information will be sent to you a couple of days before the start of the SANACE 2023 Conference.